x-ray crystallography data collection and refinement statistics (4)


10.7554/eLife.43320.007X-ray crystallography data collection and refinement statistics.
Edagtliazone (+ C9)
Data collection
Space groupI4
Cell dimensions
 a, b, c (Å)128.74, 128.74, 93.67
 α, β, γ (°)90, 90, 90
Resolution33.36–2.1 (2.18–2.1)
Rpim0.049 (0.299)
I / σ(I)9.87 (2.83)
CC1/2 in highest shell0.798
Completeness (%)99.31 (99.69)
Redundancy2.0 (2.0)
Resolution (Å)2.10
No. of unique reflections44385
Rwork/Rfree (%)18.2/21.6
No. of atoms
Root mean square deviations
 Bond lengths (Å)0.008
 Bond angles (°)1.18
Ramachandran favored (%)96.28
Ramachandran outliers (%)0.93
PDB accession code5UGM

*Values in parentheses indicate highest resolution shell.


10.7554/eLife.43320.021X-ray crystallography data collection and refinement statistics.
GW9662 (+ C9)SR16832 (+ C9)
Data collection
Space groupC 1 2 1C 1 2 1
Cell dimensions
 a, b, c (Å)92.57, 61.74, 118.3892.61, 62.08, 118.45
 α, β, γ (°)90, 102.15, 9090, 102.34, 90
Resolution57.86–2.29 (2.37–2.29)45.24–2.73 (2.83–2.73)
Rpim0.029 (0.613)0.045 (0.338)
I / σ(I)11.90 (1.33)10.43 (2.00)
CC1/2 in highest shell0.7570.832
Completeness (%)98.94 (98.00)85.06 (74.34)
Redundancy6.6 (6.8)1.8 (1.8)
Resolution (Å)2.292.73
No. of unique reflections2966015056
Rwork/Rfree (%)24.9/31.419.9/28.1
No. of atoms
Root mean square deviations
 Bond lengths (Å)0.0090.009
 Bond angles (°)1.021.09
Ramachandran favored (%)95.2790.43
Ramachandran outliers (%)1.581.95
PDB accession code6AVI6AUG

*Values in parentheses indicate highest resolution shell.


10.7554/eLife.43320.025X-ray crystallography data collection and refinement statistics.
Arachidonic acidOleic acidGW9662 + Arachidonic acidGW9662 + Oleic acidRosiglitazone + Oleic acid
Data collection
Space groupC 1 2 1C 1 2 1C 1 2 1C 1 2 1C 1 2 1
Cell dimensions
 a, b, c (Å)93.04, 62.16, 118.9692.93, 62.17, 119.3292.88, 62.10, 119.1992.78, 61.66, 118.6392.83, 61.83, 118.72
 α, β, γ (°)90, 102.38, 9090, 102.20, 9090, 101.90, 9090, 102.15, 9090, 102.34, 90
Resolution44.97–2.10 (2.12–2.10)38.88–1.95 (2.02–1.95)38.87–2.2 (2.279–2.2)39.51–2.2 (2.279–2.2)57.99–2.24 (2.32–2.24)
Rpim0.039 (0.429)0.036 (0.471)0.016 (0.277)0.014 (0.283)0.045 (0.469)
I / σ(I)10.06 (1.65)8.16 (1.34)17.06 (2.52)17.74 (2.57)10.32 (3.02)
CC1/2 in highest shell0.7660.7850.8920.9760.761
Completeness (%)98.42 (95.47)95.30 (93.96)98.34 (97.39)98.24 (97.93)97.98 (86.12)
Redundancy1.9 (1.9)1.7 (1.6)2.0 (2.0)2.0 (2.0)3.2 (3.1)
Resolution (Å)2.101.952.202.202.24
No. of unique reflections3836346478334743292331810
Rwork/Rfree (%)21.3/25.722.5/27.322.6/26.222.5/26.624.4/28.5
No. of atoms
Root mean square deviations
 Bond lengths (Å)0.0080.0090.0090.0100.008
 Bond angles (°)
Ramachandran favored (%)98.1999.0097.5994.8297.18
Ramachandran outliers (%)0.600.200.401.991.01
PDB accession code6MCZ6MD06MD26MD16MD4

*Values in parentheses indicate highest resolution shell.


X-ray crystallography data collection and refinement statistics.

Refined coordinates and structure factors are deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession code 6U9S.

Data collection5A6-CD81 LEL
Wavelength (Å)0.9792
Space GroupP 21 21 21
Number of crystals1
Unit cell dimensions
a,b,c40.003, 96.858, 297.091
α, β, γ (°)90, 90, 90
Resolution (Å) (last shell)49.5–2.4 (2.54–2.4)
No. of reflections (total/unique)293920/46497
Completeness (%) (last shell)99.1 (96.8)
I/σ(I) (last shell)7.94 (0.46)
Rmeas (%) (last shell)20.5% (355.7%)
CC1/2 (%) (last shell)99.5 (16.6)
Number of atoms (protein/solvent)7974/358
Rwork/Rfree (%)21.44/28.08
R.M.S. deviation (Å)
Bond length0.003
Bond angles0.537
Ramachandran statistics