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v8r uses CosmiConfig to search for a configuration. This means you can specify your configuration in any of the following places:

  • package.json
  • .v8rrc
  • .v8rrc.json
  • .v8rrc.yaml
  • .v8rrc.yml
  • .v8rrc.js
  • .v8rrc.cjs
  • v8r.config.js
  • v8r.config.cjs

v8r only searches for a config file in the current working directory.

Example yaml config file:

# - One or more filenames or glob patterns describing local file or files to validate
# - overridden by passing one or more positional arguments
patterns: ['*json']

# - Level of verbose logging. 0 is standard, higher numbers are more verbose
# - overridden by passing --verbose / -v
# - default = 0
verbose: 2

# - Exit with code 0 even if an error was encountered. True means a non-zero exit
# code is only issued if validation could be completed successfully and one or
# more files were invalid
# - overridden by passing --ignore-errors
# - default = false
ignoreErrors: true

# - Remove cached HTTP responses older than cacheTtl seconds old.
# Specifying 0 clears and disables cache completely
# - overridden by passing --cache-ttl
# - default = 600
cacheTtl: 86400

# - Output format for validation results
# - overridden by passing --format
# - default = text
format: "json"

# - A custom schema catalog.
# This catalog will be searched ahead of any custom catalogs passed using
# --catalogs or
# The format of this is subtly different to the format of a catalog
# passed via --catalogs (which matches the format)
- name: Custom Schema # The name of the schema (required)
description: Custom Schema # A description of the schema (optional)

# A Minimatch glob expression for matching up file names with a schema (required)
fileMatch: ["*.geojson"]

# A URL or local file path for the schema location (required)
# Unlike the format, which has a `url` key,
# custom catalogs defined in v8r config files have a `location` key
# which can refer to either a URL or local file.
# Relative paths are interpreted as relative to the config file location.
location: foo/bar/geojson-schema.json

# A custom parser to use for files matching fileMatch
# instead of trying to infer the correct parser from the filename (optional)
# This property is specific to custom catalogs defined in v8r config files
parser: json5

# - An array of v8r plugins to load
# - Plugins can only be specified in the config file.
# They can't be loaded using command line arguments
# Plugins installed from NPM (or JSR) must be prefixed by "package:"
- "package:v8r-plugin-emoji-output"
# Plugins in the project dir must be prefixed by "file:"
- "file:./subdir/my-local-plugin.mjs"

The config file format is specified more formally in a JSON Schema: