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❓ How does v8r decide what schema to validate against if I don't supply one?

💡 v8r queries the Schema Store catalog to try and find a suitable schema based on the name of the input file.

❓ My file is valid, but it doesn't validate against one of the suggested schemas.

💡 v8r is a fairly thin layer of glue between Schema Store (where the schemas come from) and ajv (the validation engine). It is likely that this kind of problem is either an issue with the schema or validation engine.

❓ What JSON schema versions are compatible?

💡 v8r works with JSON schema drafts:

  • draft-04
  • draft-06
  • draft-07
  • draft 2019-09
  • draft 2020-12

❓ Will 100% of the schemas on work with this tool?

💡 No. There are some with known issues

❓ Can v8r validate against a local schema?

💡 Yes. The --schema flag can be either a path to a local file or a URL. You can also use a config file to include local schemas in a custom catalog.