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Usage Examples

Validating files

v8r can validate JSON, YAML or TOML files. You can pass filenames or glob patterns:

# single filename
$ v8r package.json

# multiple files
$ v8r file1.json file2.json

# glob patterns
$ v8r 'dir/*.yml' 'dir/*.yaml'

DigitalOcean's Glob Tool can be used to help construct glob patterns

Manually specifying a schema

By default, v8r queries Schema Store to detect a suitable schema based on the filename.

# if v8r can't auto-detect a schema for your file..
$ v8r feature.geojson
ℹ Processing ./feature.geojson
✖ Could not find a schema to validate feature.geojson

# can specify one using the --schema flag
$ v8r feature.geojson --schema
ℹ Processing ./feature.geojson
ℹ Validating feature.geojson against schema from ...
✔ feature.geojson is valid

Using a custom catlog

Using the --schema flag will validate all files matched by the glob pattern against that schema. You can also define a custom schema catalog. v8r will search any custom catalogs before falling back to Schema Store.

{ "$schema": "",
"version": 1,
"schemas": [ { "name": "geojson",
"description": "geojson",
"url": "",
"fileMatch": ["*.geojson"] } ] }
$ v8r feature.geojson -c my-catalog.json
ℹ Processing ./feature.geojson
ℹ Found schema in my-catalog.json ...
ℹ Validating feature.geojson against schema from ...
✔ feature.geojson is valid

This can be used to specify different custom schemas for multiple file patterns.

Files Containing Multiple Documents

A single YAML file can contain multiple documents. v8r is able to parse and validate these files. In this situation:

  • All documents within the file are assumed to conform to the same schema. It is not possible to validate documents within the same file against different schemas
  • Documents within the file are referred to as multi-doc.yml[0], multi-doc.yml[1], etc
$ v8r catalog-info.yaml
ℹ Processing ./catalog-info.yaml
ℹ Found schema in ...
ℹ Validating ./catalog-info.yaml against schema from ...
✔ ./catalog-info.yaml[0] is valid

✔ ./catalog-info.yaml[1] is valid